If you're in the mood for having a little thought about what are things around you that you actually notice and value, have a look. If you're not in the mood for a rigmarole, just go on to the next entry . 2nd June
This morning I'd an clear idea of what do I want to write, but I didn't have time. Fortunately.With the pace of the day and everything I did, it did changed. The sun is shining and it's not raining anymore. And I'd real cherries bought on the street and not in the supermarket. Sounds childish? No, those are just the small things that we always ignore. Those, that can change our day and make us smile.
3rd June
And, yes - I simply LOVED "Sex and the City 2". Not only the clothes (although I want everything from Carrie's wardrobe), but the plot. I wasn't bored or annoyed. Everyone is complaining - it's not "Sex and the City" anymore! Well, true - it's different, because people change and grow up. You might say, how can I be so naive - at the end this movie is just a product and all the products have got a life cycle - growth, mature, decline. According to the scale this movie might be situated on the line between the mature and the decline stages, a.k.a. - the end is nearly there. Well, it is - I doubt it that there is anything that could be said in 3rd part. Not, that there isn't, it's just that we've already got through the different stages already - singles (the series), about to go married (first movie), married (part 2). The stage with the children will be neither Sex, nor City. I think that now we've got the so called "golden combination" - enough to get excited, without getting bored.
I'm not sure if I realized anything important about life after watching the movie (I think I need a break from realizations) - I just liked it. It made my day, it made me feel good and I got rid of all the bad energy I'd in my head (and body). I would definitely recommend it - you'll either like it or not, it's up to the person at the end.
Sometimes we just need those days, when there is no drama, no pressure, no fight. Days, during which you don't care if the person smiling to you will start talking behind your back - not because you're a self believer, but because there are other things that could just make you go away with and smile. And they're the less visible (even invisible) moments and gestures that we just overlook, because we're too busy thinking about who said what and what did we do wrong. People forget. People change. And people grow up. And yes, people do remember. They will remember the bus driver, who told them on which stop to get off the bus, whistled, letting them know they're going the wrong way and pointed the right one. With a smile. It doesn't really mean anything. No, it does. It's a small thing - one of those that we don't see because we count as unimportant. Yet, it makes us feel differently, even though unconsciously.
I am sorry to say it, but we have to disagree here. I simply couldn't stand the movie. Didn't like it at all. I agree with your point that they are now grown ups but I simply miss the brutal cynical part of Sex and the City and that was the reason I love the show so much. The first movie was OK but I was highly disappointed by the second. They should stop now, they are simply ruining the TV series. Personally, I didn't see anything common b/w the movie and the series.
PS: Maybe I react that way because I didn't see it w/ you guys and I saw it w/ my parents. Still, I was bored :)
I am sorry to say it, but we have to disagree here. I simply couldn't stand the movie. Didn't like it at all. I agree with your point that they are now grown ups but I simply miss the brutal cynical part of Sex and the City and that was the reason I love the show so much. The first movie was OK but I was highly disappointed by the second. They should stop now, they are simply ruining the TV series. Personally, I didn't see anything common b/w the movie and the series.
PS: Maybe I react that way because I didn't see it w/ you guys and I saw it w/ my parents. Still, I was bored :)