30 May 2010

The First One

Probably you have already read the "Me" section and the description of my blog. So..this is my first blog post. I decided to start blogging, because there are many thoughts coming to and going out of my mind in my daily routine. There are many things that I like and I that don't like - thus I want to talk about them (if I have what to say though :))

Fashion Passion. I am not a Shopaholic. Neither am I trying to look alternative/underground/grunge. I just love looking good and leaving an impression. At the same time I love reading about fashion (there will be a separate entry about my favorite fashion branding book)and looking at the pictures in the magazines. I love Chloe, Celine, Lancel and ... LANVIN. I still regret that I did not buy the £300 discounted Lanvin dress in Harrods last summer. I e-mailed both Lanvin and Harrods - Harrods replied saying that they can offer me something from the new collection. It didn't help. I still love that dress. Any help will be appreciated - unfortunately I couldn't even find a picture of it online. Looked at ALL the pictures from the Catwalk shows for the last 3 years - nothing. So - peach/light pink/yellowish ruffle (6-7 cm long ruffles) dress, knee length. Thank YOU! And not to forget one major thing - COCO CHANEL. I truly admire her!

I started learning French, because I wanted to go to Paris one day and be part of the wild fashion industry. Honestly, I love the language, so let's say it's a complex thing.

So fashion, languages,...hm what else? Yes, there are many other things and I will start but by bit. I really hope that from to time you will be finding something relevant and (or) interesting.

So...don't snooze your alarm more than once tomorrow, take 5 minutes to prepare your breakfast and take the other 5 to see what came to my mind when I woke up.

P.S. Don't leave the oat pot unwashed with the thought "I will do this when I come back."

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