Copyright Hristo Hristov, Extreme Surf School
The power of love - that's the "cliche"-itic one. For me, for the past two weeks and a half it was the power of water. Yes, I am talking about this endless big blue thing, which made us ask "So where is the tap?" when we were younger. The sea. Some people will argue that lakes and reservoirs, should be placed in same category. I would disagree. And there is a particular reason why - because they give you safety. You will eventually get there, and most of the times it wouldn't take you more than half an hour regardless of if you"r sailing, windsurfing, canoeing or just chilly-pilling in a boat to reach this "safe harbor". As the wiser have said - "Cruising has two pleasures. One is to go out in wider waters from a sheltered place. The other is to go into a sheltered place from wider waters." Howard Bloomfield
If joint efforts always lead to better results, then we should not be underestimating the power of water's "mate", i.e. the wind. No wonder why surfers or sailors are much quicker than rowers - because if the water gives you stability, so the wind gives you wings. And that's what I felt when I first managed to hold the sail for more than 5 seconds and actually move - as if I had wings. Even if I had to drift away from the metaphorically-romantic notion, the ability to play with the wind gives you what no motor and what no morning run in the park can ever give you. It gives the freedom, the freedom that is dependent on nature's will (Yes, yes I know, the quality of the sail and the board as well, etc.!). Once you start doing it, you either fall in love or you do not, same with "Marmite" - you either love it or not. If you start loving the relationship between the water and the wind, then sailing in any of its forms becomes your passion. No one can take it away from you because you wouldn't give it to them - you would sacrifice the city trip, the night on the fancy "champagned" motor yacht and not to mention your unpaid annual leave. It is one of those things that make you wake up at 8.30am, after you have gone to bed at 5.30pm after a lemony ginned night, just for the sake of the waiting, for the wind, to come.
Let's go down to earth for a bit - so what are the main ways we can experience this? Let's start from the most "manual" one, i.e Windsurfing. What does this mean? Well, words talk for themselves - in short you have a bord and a sail. The water let's you move and the wind gives you the power to move. Before you go anywhere, you need to learn how do actually the wind helps (or doesn't let you!) move. Here is the simplest diagram that you need to refer to before you ever board something with a sail. I.e. points of sail:
And here is what it actually looks like:
Copyright - Hristo Hristov, Extreme Surf School
You feel like trying it? Don't you? It might take a while to get to the stage from the picture, not to mention summers and summers spend on the beach, but even the whole "fight" before you actually reach this stage brings a feeling that makes you forget about the tiredness, the muscle ache and all the blisters. Because when you are in the water, those things are not existent. When you go out, the gin with the squeezed lemon zest (no, not squezzed lemon, but squeezed ZEST!) will heal them. It's proven.
But let's go back to the basics. What else is out there, other than windsurfing? There is kitesurfing, and there is the whole yacht sailing, which covers the catamarans as well. Due to the broadness and complexity of the yacht sailing we will try and discuss them in a separate post, but a couple of pictures would not harm. Just to let you dream (yes, you might be behind the desk looking at the next report for the day, but the sea is there, the plane/train is there so it is entirely up to you if you are willing to spend 3 sleepless but over-adrenalin-ed days at one of the zillion European (or non) beaches or even reservoirs (yes, most reservoirs offer windsurfing and sailing equipment/lessons - i.e. Google it).
Last post - summer 2010. What had happened since then? A lot - regardless of if you start from the move from fashion to banking, the internships, the graduation with a capital "G", the first real real job, without missing the exchange year in Germany. What statement can sum up all that chronology - "breathing" the life, living by loving, eating through smiling and sleeping...well, that's just overrated (only the "real" job makes exception sometimes, but there we go 6 o'clockers).
What's new? Well, I have certainly grown up, not just because I got older but because, as mentioned above, I have prolonged the "experience" line of my life in every sense of the word. So let's say we are opening a new page, though the topics of the different posts will rotate around what comes to my mind at this particular point in time or stage of life. If I have to be a bit more specific, there are a few areas, which might be a bit more predominant than others, namely Travelling, Food and alternative, i.e. "extreme" ways to exercise and spend your days off. Why? Because we have to keep walking...
As you'd probably read in my first entry - different thoughts are constantly flying in and out of my head. Where do we start writing from? From the article? No, usually I don't do that. I write the entry and then decide on the article. Now, it's been the other way round. Actually, I just wanted to share a simple, lovely, 11 o'clockish recipe, but...
What actually a pot of love means? No, I'm not gonna talk about people, love and romance; it's an endless topic, but let's leave it for another day/night. I will talk about food (obviously, as I had mentioned it already in the first paragraph). I ♥ GOOD FOOD.
Is the good food, the delicious one? Yes. Not, exclusively. Yes, I might have the tastiest whatever, but if it's "just" served, half of its taste will just disappear. Fade away. At the same time, a "wanna be feng shui" restaurant, serving frozen Tesco Value salmon with "Noodles in Pot" might be even worse.
Here is my late night, as simple as (the simplest thing you could think of) recipe:
1 box of half-priced Tesco (the country equivalent) strawberries
1 low-fat plain yogurt
1 (real) lime
3-4 spoons of mascarpone
This won't be qualified even for the iPhone "Stupidity test" - Simply stir together the yogurt, the mascarpone and the lime juice. Cut the strawberries into halves (or fours) and mix them with the "mixture".
The hardest part:
1. Serve it in a proper pot (a white Whittard (of Chelsea) pot will be suitable)
2. Make it with love (though that must be the first one)
3. Serve it with love.
4. Share it with love. (Just couldn't escape from the cliche)
5. Ok...just enjoy it.
The mission:
Just choose the right time. (Even if it's gonna be in the middle of the night and even if you're just sitting and doing nothing.)
That must be enough.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Vincent Van Gogh
The other day I had this conversation with a group of friends - do we buy from Primark (
note: Primark is an Irish chain clothing retailer, with nearly 200 stores in the UK and a few around Europe. It operates at the budget end of the market, which in this case means top for a quid and a pair of jeans for 6 pounds. The other major point is that all the trends that can be seen in the rest of the high-street retailers are there as well, i.e. Primark wants to be "fashionable". Besides the clothes, you can find "Home" stuff there as well, i.e. bed linen, duvets etc.), do we like Primark, do we think that quality of the clothes is the same as that of the rest of the retailers, and so on, and so on. Although, last, but not least - "Are we ashamed to say that we buy from Primark and is that a reason not to go there?" - a question that was not directly posed, but you could definately "feel it in the atmosphere" and again, feel (not hear, becuase not many people will dare to admit it) what the person facing you is actually doing.

Let's start from the cliche - "I don't buy from Primark, because the people, actually making the clothes are 5-years-old kids from China". Ok. Seriously, is that the reason why you're not buying from Primark, but you are buying from River Island, Dorothy Perkins, Topshop, Zara and so on? Because if that's the reason, all those people saying that they don't like Primark, but still love the rest of the high-street retailers will be completely wrong. And they know it. The bigger the production is, the cheaper the labour must be - as simple as it could be. The bigger companies might be able to invest in machines (though it's easier to say it, but harder to imply it) and be ECOLOGical, while the small companies can be ETHICal, i.e. not using third world labour (the 5-years-old kids mentioned above), but they won't have the resources to be ecological, because will be close to nothing compared to that of the massive production retailers. And here is a pretty self-explanatory table...

If you want to be ecological and ethical, please buy clothes from small boutiques or...couture. At least we are sure that the couture is not being made by kids living in third world countries or pregnant eastern European women, working for 16 hours in a factory, just because it's impossible.
Chanel for example is being made by old Parisian women, with at least 30 years experience. Ah, yes and the interns, who are helping around. Not paid of course. (I am intern at the moment and I am not getting paid as well, but I am not complaining, because we all have to start from somewhere.
So that's about the ethical side of the things. On other hand, some people say that they don't buy from Primark, because the quality of the clothes is different. Ok, all cotton shirts are made from the same type of cotton, which costs the same amount of money. Shht! Someone coming from a design background might confront me, by saying that the Primark shirts are being made that way, so that after 1-2 washings they'll just start falling apart. Ok, from personal experience I can say that this is wrong. I am not blind and I must admit that even the different clothes in Primark, have got different quality. Some will start falling apart, others won't; some will start losing the color intensity, other's won't - just open your eyes and pick up the right thing.
Argument "numero" 3 - "the pattern and the cutting is really shitty". Ok, that's true in most of the cases. I don't have jeans/trousers from Primark because of that. I just look much fatter, becuase most of the times their cut is just horrible. I'm normally wearing size 8 and don't think that the problem is with me. Even if you're size 6, there is chance that you just won't look good wearing their jeans. Most of the times we can apply the same rule to the coats and dresses. I've got only one dress from Primark and the cut is just perfect, or maybe perfect for my body. However, it's an exception. But I'm really happy, because no one can believe that I got it from Primark. On SALE. For ... 5 pounds.
Another reason that makes most of the people in the fashion industry or those that just love/can afford spending TONS of money on designer clothes hate Primark - Primark just loves stealing designs and copying clothes/shoes/accessories bit by bit. Example:

Of course, the quality is different. I'm not trying to say that. What I'm trying to emphasize on is a only one word - "marketing". Most of the people (yes, MOST of the population) can't even think of buying Gucci shoes. At the moment I can't because I'm a student and an unpaid intern, but I rally hope that in a few years time (at some point), I'm gonna be able to buy Gucci (I don't like Gucci, but something from that range, like my favorite Chloe or Lancel) shoes with my own earnings. However, that's not the aim of the most of the people living around the world. And Primark knows it. That's why it brings the absolute copy to the mass public. Some people will say - yes, but it's not the model, we are buyin THE brand, thus they shouldn't copy it, because the mass public doesn't know anything about expensive brands. Wrong. First of all, everyone had heard of (ok, almost everyone) Gucci, Versace, D&G, etc. Second - as soon as Primark announces (media coverage is what I mean) that they're selling something similar to what Ann Demeulemeester (using her as an example, just because is not that common name among the mass public), who is an amazing designer, is selling, they'll automatically buy it. And they'll know who Ann Demeulemeester is. This will just bring many people the confidence that they're wearing something really FashionWeek-able. I don't think that this is something bad, because that's how things are sold - again the name sells. Maybe "sex sells" as well, as another really famous brand emphasized recently, but that's another story.
Last, but not least - "I can't buy from Primark, because it's below my level." Below which level? Definately not intellectual level, because the working people in the developed countries know how to "mix and match". A smart person can wear plain white Primark shirt and branded coat/suit/trousers etc. A smart high-street shopper can wear Primark accessorizes and many people will start asking - "Ah is that from Topshop?". No, it's 1.50 and it's from Primark, it's not 20 pounds. So, please don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to defend the chain - yes, they're not ethical and yes, they want to make money, but as far as I know, that's aim of most of us. Also, I am not trying to say that Primark are making clothes with high-quality - I just want to emphasize that there are many exceptions even there. Last point - buy Primark and if you're good enough, no one will notice that it's from Primark. They might even say "OMG where is that from?" - "Ah, I bought it from a small boutique in Florence 2 years ago" (blink).
"Only great minds can afford simple style." Stendhal
Good Morning! And yes, I've been rubbish at blogging during the last month and I must admit it. I'm not going to start justifying myself, because I'm not proud of that. I finished with my exams, finished with my 2nd year of university, had an amazing time at Beach Break Live 2010 and came to London for an internship at Felicities PR. I started loving London even more, but I might dedicate another entry, proving the statement that you can never be bored, while in London.
Another thing, that apparently happened to me, was the fact that I finally read "Breakfast at Tiffany's", although I've been in love with Audrey Hepburn since year 10, when chose her as my "wanna be" celebrity for the yearbook. I would love to dedicate a separate entry to Audrey Hepburn - the style icon, although there are far too many books on the "fashion books market" recently. Now, I want to share a few thoughts on the book - some of you will love it, others not.
Firstly, if you haven't read the book or haven't watched the movie (though you must have seen the black glasses and the white pearls) - "It's New York in the 1940s, where the martinis flow from cocktail hour till breakfast at Tiffany's. And nice girls don't, except, of course, Holly Golightly. Pursued by Mafia gangsters and playboy millionaires, Holly is a fragile eyeful of tawny hair and turned-up nose, a heart-breaker, a perplexer, a traveller, a tease. She's irrepressibly "top banana in the shock department", and one of the shining flowers of American fiction". Copied as from the back of the book.
Do I "wanna be" Holly Golightly? No, I don't want to, although sometimes I feel exactly like her. She's 20. She's living in her own own flat and drinking (skimmed) milk. She loves pearls (although she admits that pearls are for older/much more mature women) and she loves Tiffany's, the morning croissant in a paper bag and the coffee in a cardboard mug. Sometimes, even most of you feel like that - especially due to the fact that now, in 2010, there is Starbucks (Nero, Costa, etc.) on every single corner and it's much easier to get a take away latte and not only a croissant, but a chocolate croissant. The difference between Holly and most of the girls/women aged 20-25 is that if they want to maintain the Holly Golightly life style, they cannot afford having a long long breakfast at Tiffany's; they will just "grab 'n' go". And as Hemingway says - "
All good books have one thing in common - they are truer than if they had really happened.". And that's what makes Capote's classic a novel and not a real life story. However, there are many things that (unfortunately) we must admit as true.

Early twenties lady, i.e. a gold-digger? We all know (or maybe not) that very often success is measured by the amount of money you earn, thus we can all be classified as gold diggers. Even those of you, that will just turn head, thinking -"What is she talking about, of course we cannot be classified as such", better think once again. Of course there are different types of gold-diggers, but I'm obviously not talking about the ones, who just don't put any meaning in their existence. Because even Holly's got an aim - she wants to get married (at some point), travel around and be happy! At the end of the day, that's what most of us want. In the busy 2010 city life this means two things - good job and the right surrounding. And those two are very tightly bound. Very often the first leads to second. One of the major points in "Breakfast Tiffany's" is the one about the importance of being social and finding the right people to hang out with. Being realistic, that's crucial if you're young and ambitious women, because at some point you'll want to be "coupled" and I don't think that there is something bad in it. Many people will blame me for saying the truth, but if you need to meet someone you need to be among people that you can communicate with and be interested in having a conversation with. All that clearly excludes the feminist notion that we need to work 9am - 9pm and be equal.
Here it comes the second major point of the book (or at least according to me) - men and women have never been, and will never be equal. That's how the world had been created. Referring to the book - Holly is young, beautiful, looks after herself and wants to be taken care of. At the same time, we cannot classify her as weak, according to me, that's the last thing she can be. So...third major point - a woman might be strong, without being equal to men. That's what lacks in the feminist way of thinking. She lives on her own, and yes very often keeping all those relationships and contacts is even harder than sitting 9am-5pm behind a desk and doing nothing.
All that leads to another key topic - being lonely among the crowd. New York. Big city life, big apple, Mr. Big, everything is big. And you are small. You're just a tiny part of the whole city. The problem with the big cities is that you can remain anonymous and alone for the whole duration of your life. Although she is surrounded by tons of guys and guys and guys, Holly is alone. She doesn't have friends, she's got
acquaintances. She doesn't have girlfriends, but most important - she doesn't have a family. Even if we consider the option of her family just being somewhere far away, the situation won't change. And that's one of her aims - to have a family. That's why she wants to desperately marry someone (valuable). She's not even rich, although she tries to live in the luxurious world. Her wealth is a day to day wealth - today is here, tomorrow is gone and no one knows when is it going to come back again.
The themes about the loneliness and the wealth remind of another truly American classic novel - "The Great Gatsby". Gatsby is part of the new-rich during the first half of the 20th century. He's got the massive house with the massive swimming and (obviously) hosts parties with lots of alcohol (martini), men and women. At the end of the day (in the morning to be precise), he is the loneliest. The scene that is stuck in my mind is when he is staying near the swimming pool, watching the autumn leaves falling into the dirty water of the swimming pool. Sad. Pretty self-explanatory.
So, all those were my thoughts and conclusions after reading "Breakfast at Tiffany's". It's worth reading not only because it's a classic novel, but because is one of those stories without a clear begging or an end. There is no "finito". The "finito" is in your head. And it's especially worth reading if you're - 1. a woman; 2. 20-30 years old.
"I want to still be me when I wake up
one fine morning and have breakfast at Tiffany's." Holly Golightly
If you're in the mood for having a little thought about what are things around you that you actually notice and value, have a look. If you're not in the mood for a rigmarole, just go on to the next entry .
2nd June
This morning I'd an clear idea of what do I want to write, but I didn't have time. Fortunately.With the pace of the day and everything I did, it did changed. The sun is shining and it's not raining anymore. And I'd real cherries bought on the street and not in the supermarket. Sounds childish? No, those are just the small things that we always ignore. Those, that can change our day and make us smile.
3rd June
And, yes - I simply LOVED
"Sex and the City 2". Not only the clothes (although I want everything from Carrie's wardrobe), but the plot. I wasn't bored or annoyed. Everyone is complaining - it's not "Sex and the City" anymore! Well, true - it's different, because people change and grow up. You might say, how can I be so naive - at the end this movie is just a product and all the products have got a life cycle - growth, mature, decline. According to the scale this movie might be situated on the line between the mature and the decline stages, a.k.a. - the end is nearly there. Well, it is - I doubt it that there is anything that could be said in 3rd part. Not, that there isn't, it's just that we've already got through the different stages already - singles (the series), about to go married (first movie), married (part 2). The stage with the children will be neither Sex, nor City. I think that now we've got the so called "golden combination" - enough to get excited, without getting bored.

I'm not sure if I realized anything important about life after watching the movie (I think I need a break from realizations) - I just liked it. It made my day, it made me feel good and I got rid of all the bad energy I'd in my head (and body). I would definitely recommend it - you'll either like it or not, it's up to the person at the end.
Sometimes we just need those days, when there is no drama, no pressure, no fight. Days, during which you don't care if the person smiling to you will start talking behind your back - not because you're a self believer, but because there are other things that could just make you go away with and smile. And they're the less visible (even invisible) moments and gestures that we just overlook, because we're too busy thinking about who said what and what did we do wrong. People forget. People change. And people grow up. And yes, people do remember. They will remember the bus driver, who told them on which stop to get off the bus, whistled, letting them know they're going the wrong way and pointed the right one. With a smile. It doesn't really mean anything. No, it does. It's a small thing - one of those that we don't see because we count as unimportant. Yet, it makes us feel differently, even though unconsciously.
Good Morning and Happy Children's Day! You might be 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 60, but you do celebrate. Because it's one of those days, when you just wake up and smile (though I've got an exam in a couple of hours and in Cardiff is raining as if it will not gonna rain ever again). Not only that - your parents will be your parents forever and ever, thus you'll always be their child. So, as I said no matter how old or young are, you still have to recognize the presence of the children's day.

The interesting fact surrounding this day is that it has been established in the former Communist bloc (a.k.a Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania,Yugoslavia, Albania, and East Germany - yes, even this part of Germany had been part of the so called Eastern bloc; though we'll not go into details about that now). And most probably that's the reason why I know about the existence of this day - as I've been born in Bulgaria, I used to celebrate it. And yes, the people are celebrating it even today with the same feeling of joy and excitement.
NOTE: There is Universal Children's Day on the 20th November, adopted by the United Nations - Australia, Canada, etc. are celebrating then!
What does this day reminds me of? First sun - always when I've been celebrating Children's Day it's been sunny - no exception. Then - a walk to town or in the park with my parents, massive amounts of ice-cream/popcorn/sweet pink cotton (the one they sell at the circus)/big colored balloons and of course, carousels. To be honest, if you're a kid that's all what you need. I still remember that when I was 7 years old, an absolute feast for me was to have a few 300gr bags of crisps, 2L.
Haribo jellies and
Milka chocolate with nuts and raisins - simple, but believe me it means a lot!
Now, when I'm obviously not 7, or even 10, there are a few things I always do on this day. I listen to Bulgarian songs from children movies and if I have the time, watch a movie. Most of you, won't understand the plot, but at least you can see what do the countries in the former Soviet bloc looked like in the 1960's.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbJlquRHEhQ "S detsta na more" ("With the Children at the Seaside")
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IX-o97L8YY "Voinata na Taralejite" ("Hedgehogs War") - I particularly love that one!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URK6uAgvMXQ&feature=related "Vasko Da Gama ot selo Rupcha" ("Vasko da Gama from Rupcha village")
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPU1o0lLOZE&feature=related "Oranjeva pesen" ("Orange song")
Fortunately, I have been born long after all those songs and movies were really popular. I'm saying fortunately, because I've been born after the communistic era and didn't have the "chance" to experience those days' reality. And maybe those songs are one of the few valuable things left from that era...
So, again, Happy Children's Day!
P.S. Just try and smile at least once today!